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荒野 Wild

與食肉牛龍一樣,Baryonyx aquafulguar 是一種大型食肉動物,但還不足以與島上的頂級掠食者抗衡。雖然不像一些深海掠食者或棘龍那麼強大,但重爪龍是一種游泳速度極快的游泳者,仍然足夠靈活,足以威脅島上的大多數生物。然而,儘管重爪龍是一種快速而危險的恐龍,但它幾乎只吃魚和其他水生動物。Baryonyx 的高度特異性新陳代謝似乎使它能夠在以營養豐富的魚肉為食後幾乎以超自然的速度治癒傷口。也許這就是為什麼重爪龍很少攻擊陸地動物的原因?

Like the Carnotaurus, Baryonyx aquafulguar is a large carnivore, but not large enough to rival the Island's apex predators. While not as powerful as some deep-sea predators or Spinosaurus, Baryonyx is an extremely fast swimmer who is still sufficiently nimble enough to threaten most creatures on the Island. And yet despite being a fast, dangerous dinosaur, Baryonyx almost exclusively consumes fish and other water-dwellers. The highly specific metabolism of Baryonyx seems to allow it to heal wounds almost preternaturally fast after feeding on nutritious fish meat. Perhaps this is why Baryonyx rarely attacks land animals?

馴化的 Domesticated

重爪龍對水生捕食的天然親和力意味著一旦被馴服;它學會了更有效地殺死海洋生物。在速度和力量之間,Baryonyx 是任何有興趣在水上和陸地旅行之間頻繁移動,以及重視速度和敏捷性而不是原始力量的人的理想選擇。

Baryonyx's natural affinity for aquatic predation means that once tamed; it learns to kill ocean-dwellers even more efficiently. Between its speed and its power, Baryonyx makes an ideal choice for anyone interested in frequently moving between water and land travel, and who values speed and agility over raw strength.


