Parasaurolophus amphibio是我在島上見過的任何生物中最有趣的一種。像所有的 Parasaur 一樣,它的頭上有一個標誌性的徽章。一開始非常溫順,我能夠在不打擾它的情況下接近它。然而,如果受到驚嚇,該生物可以向周圍區域發出求救信號,警告危險。Parasaurolophus 似乎在食物鏈上處於低位,被所有生物、生物和人類獵殺,這解釋了它易怒的本性。如果你能設法跟上它足夠長的時間來殺死它,它是一個很好的肉類和皮革來源。
它也被稱為“窮人的禽龍”,因為它的用途與禽龍相同,但可以在遊戲的早期被馴服。 它是一種中等大小的鴨嘴龍類恐龍,在方舟中很常見,棲息在海灘和草原上,逃避攻擊它的掠食者。
按 C鍵 就能威嚇敵人,口沫橫飛後,120秒的冷卻,迅猛龍以下的中小型龍都會被驅趕。
按 右鍵 就能施展聲納,探測四周50m的主動攻擊生物,會用紅點標示,有5秒冷卻。
荒野 Wild
Parasaurolophus amphibio是我在島上見過的任何生物中最有趣的一種。像所有的 Parasaur 一樣,它的頭上有一個標誌性的徽章。一開始非常溫順,我能夠在不打擾它的情況下接近它。然而,如果受到驚嚇,該生物可以向周圍區域發出求救信號,警告危險。Parasaurolophus 似乎在食物鏈上處於低位,被所有生物、生物和人類獵殺,這解釋了它易怒的本性。如果你能設法跟上它足夠長的時間來殺死它,它是一個很好的肉類和皮革來源。
Parasaurolophus amphibio has one of the more interesting adaptations of any creature I've seen on the Island. Like all Parasaur, it has a signature crest on its head. Very docile at first, I've been able to approach the creature without disturbing it. If startled, however, the creature can vocalize a distress call to the surrounding area that warns of danger. Parasaurolophus appears to be low on the food chain and is hunted by everything, creatures and humans alike, which explains its skittish nature. It is a good source of meat and hide, if you can manage to keep up with it long enough to kill it.
馴化的 Domesticated
儘管大多數部落認為馴服的生物相對無用,但我曾經遇到過一個有趣的女人,她馴服了整個部落。她告訴我,許多人忽視了這種生物的潛力。她甚至慷慨地送給我一個精美的馬鞍,讓我有一天能穿上我自己的 Parasaurolophus。作為一種相對容易馴化的生物,副櫛龍通常是部落能夠獲得的第一批坐騎之一。儘管它幾乎沒有傳統意義上的保護自己或騎手的能力,但它能夠在較長的時間間隔內相對快速地奔跑,使其成為一種可靠的中程運輸方式。然而,較小的生物似乎被副櫛龍的角嚇壞了,儘管它不會造成太大的傷害。它還具有良好的負重能力。
Despite being what most tribes consider a relatively useless creature to tame, I once met an interesting woman who had tamed an entire herd of them. She informed me that many overlooked the creature's potential. She even graciously gifted me a fancy saddle to put on my own Parasaurolophus one day. As a relatively simple creature to domesticate, Parasaurolophus is commonly one of the first mounts a tribe will be able to acquire. Its ability to run relatively fast for lengthy intervals makes it a solid mode of medium-range transportation, though it has almost no ability to defend itself or its rider in a traditional sense. Smaller creatures, however, appear to be frightened by the horn of Parasaurolophus although it doesn't do much damage. It also has decent weight-bearing capabilities, which could prove useful for nomadic tribes as they work to establish a presence on the Island.
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