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荒野 Wild

Raphus 複製品(通常被稱為渡渡鳥)很可能是我一生中見過的最愚蠢的生物。它在島上的海灘上游盪,啄食灌木上的漿果,並被各種食肉動物吃掉。沒有渡渡鳥,整個島嶼的食物鏈就會分崩離析。渡渡鳥的這個亞種已經開發出一種令人難以置信的聰明方式來維持自己:它們不斷地交配。我相當確信他們會在出生後一周內完全成熟。這是使他們在島上人口眾多的唯一特徵。

Raphus replicare (more commonly known as the Dodo Bird) is quite possibly the dumbest creature I've ever seen in my life. It wanders around the beaches of the Island, pecking berries off bushes, and being eaten by all manner of carnivore. Without the Dodo, the whole Island's food chain would disintegrate. This subspecies of the Dodo has developed an unbelievably clever way to sustain itself: they mate constantly. I'm fairly convinced that they reach full maturity within a week of being born. This is the only trait keeping them populous on the island.

馴化的 Domesticated

雖然可以做到,但幾乎沒有理由馴化Raphus 複製品。它無法承載足夠的負擔,無法提供足夠的食物,並且太愚蠢而無法表現出陪伴。不過,它可以作為最後的食物來源,所以我認為在“精益時期”保留一些食物有一定的邏輯。

While it can be done, there is almost no reason to domesticate a Raphus replicare. It cannot carry enough to be a beast of burden, it does not provide much food, and it's too stupid to show companionship. It could work as a last-ditch food source, though, so I suppose keeping some around for "lean times" has a certain logic.


