荒野 Wild
Castoroides是一種大型哺乳動物食草動物,往往生活在水邊。與其他較大的海狸物種不同,這種海狸保留了現代海狸的鑿形牙齒。與海狸一樣,它們建造水壩作為棲息地,但島上較大的生物有踐踏它們的傾向。因此,在野外找到未受污染的水壩是非常罕見的。 Castoroides本身似乎並沒有意識到這個島有多麼危險。我不知道它是否只是太愚蠢而無法注意到危險,或者它是否根本不在乎......但Castoroides愉快地度過了它在水中玩耍和啃木頭的一天。
Castoroides is a large, mammalian herbivore that tends to live near water. Unlike other larger beaver species this one retains the chisel-shaped teeth of modern beavers. As is typical for beavers, they build dams as habitats, but the larger creatures on the island have a tendency to trample them. As a result, finding unsullied dams in the wild is quite rare. Castoroides itself doesn't seem to realize how dangerous the island is. I don't know if it's simply too dumb to notice the dangers, or if it just doesn't care...but Castoroides happily goes about its day playing in the water and gnawing on wood.
馴化的 Domesticated
The value of a tamed Castoroides is obvious from its physiology. The creature naturally gathers wood extremely efficiently, far more than most species on the island. It's not the strongest creature, so it can only carry limited amounts, but it is a natural lumberjack!
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